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Release Date: Dec. 19, 1988 Platforms: DOS, Windows Genres: Action, Role-Playing (RPG) Publisher: Interplay Entertainment Corp. Developer: Paragon Programming Ltd. ESRB Rating: E+10+ with Violence and BloodWarblade was a 3D action RPG released by Interplay in 1988 for DOS and Windows platforms. It was one of the first 3D RPGs to come out during the early era of gaming. The player takes on a role of a warrior who must find a way to stop evil from spreading in his village and throughout the world from taking over the land called Azulahn . The player can customize their character's appearance and build certain attributes while some powers and spells are auto-generated. The game had some very basic graphics, which were even more enhanced when it was released on the Windows platform. There were eight levels in total: three town levels (each had a few stores, some side quests and some NPCs), and five dungeon levels where the player would fight monsters to continue through the game. When the player entered a new town level, they could travel to different stores for shopping purposes. The stores also provided players with information about what items are needed for surviving through dungeons to advance further into the game's plot. https://web.archive. org/web/20111206220703/ "Warblade" was reviewed in 1989 in "Dragon" #163 by Patricia Lesser in the "Eye of the Monitor" column. She commented that "it's so easy to pick up and play, you could lose yourself for hours on end." Lesser also lauded the game's positive graphics, strong sound effects, and easy controls.Game Review Score Chart Chart (GCR) com/articles/1999/09/13/reviews-warblade by Paragon Programming Ltd. in 1988 for the DOS operating system, it was one of the first 3D RPGs to come out during the early era of gaming. The player takes on a role of a warrior who must find a way to stop evil from spreading in his village and throughout the world from taking over the land called Azulahn . The game's basic graphics were even more enhanced when it was released on the Windows platform. cfa1e77820


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